😡 Problem

Physical appearance is fixed

😃 Solution

Make physical appearance programmable


The ability to transform a person's physical appearance in real-time

🤫 Unfair Advantage

Technology expertise, enterprise sales experience, and seasoned entrepreneurs.

👫 Customer Seg.

Brands that have icons or ambassadors

👀 Existing Alt.

Paid actors (Flow) or animated characters (Geico Gecko)

📊 Key Metrics

Usual SaaS metrics

Number of Silhouettes

Hours of interactions

🧠 High-level Concept

Create a branded Silhouette (e.g., Flo) and enable a person to pilot it. Piloting means that their facial expressions and voice are transformed to look and sound like the Silhouette's

🛒 Channels


🏃‍♀️ Early Adopters

Brands that have icons or ambassadors that are valuable assets, but are tied to a paid actor

💵 Cost Structure

Technology development

Sales and Marketing

💸 Revenue Streams

Per seat subscription for each pilot

Custom development of Silhouettes